It's spring, time for change...!

As I write this, we are past the middle of April; it's Earth Day!

And although the temperature has been mild, even warm, since the official beginning of spring, for a few days, it has been cold... Even since yesterday, it's snowing!

But I just learned the necessity of this cooling!
It allows the berries to develop! Ha! That makes us appreciate better this "reversed thaw"!

Nevertheless, spring started early this year, contrary to the last years. Since I live in Morin-Heights, winter is getting longer, sometimes even until June! And yes, a nearby ski resort has already opened its water park while the ski slopes were still active! Imagine skiers jumping into the water with their ski boots on!

My friend Monique even gave this season a name, which is not "PRINtemps" (spring), and not hiVER (winter) either; it's "PrinVer"! So a sublime "PrinVer" this year! But not enough to reopen the ski slopes; spring still arrived on date! "For once", some will say, while for ski lovers, it could have waited a few more weeks.

But spring means renewal, spring cleaning, blooming buds; it's time for a change! And that's why we are taking advantage of this energetic movement to make a change too!

If you read the first article of this blog, you will discover why we chose the name "FLUXX Bijoux" in 2006! It reflected who I was and what I was creating. But today, 15 years later, I am not the same, and it has had its day!

The strange pronunciations, like the one with a connotation of "disease", finally got the better of me; nobody likes to have the "FLU" (and it's no better in French)! So, why not take the opportunity to move closer to a name that reflects what I love to do most, the jewel I dream of seeing around the necks of women around the world?

I'm talking about the Lariat!

You can wear this magical piece of jewelry in as many ways as there are women on earth! What better way to show your uniqueness? The Lariat was the inspiration for the name. What about a translation? Would Lasso, in English, be appealing? What about a more exotic pronunciation in Italian or Spanish? Lariat, Lasso, Lazo... So yes, LAZO is now the new name; LAZO Jewelry!!!

A new name also means a new logo, more refined, which will pass the time, and a redesign of the website, to adapt to all this novelty...!

It's the beginning of a new adventure!

Welcome to this new version of me 



1 comment

  • Maude Lefrancois

    Salut Claire !!Quelle excellente idée pour ton nouveau nom ça te définit plus! Vous avez du talent toi et ton chum !!Soit certaine que j’aurais un chat pour me mettre autour du cou quand je pourrai me le permettre 😻 Je garde espoir 🤞😹 A la prochaine
    Maude 😺😽😻

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