NEW COllection

It's your chance!

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to make your days even more memorable with exceptional models that will never reveal themselves again...

See the pieces & colors that wont come back...

Until the end of school... !

Yes, until June 23! 🥰

find me on fb!

PS; That's me on the pictures over the web site!

Take a look at the "How to wear my Lariat" page to see the stars in my own eyes!

see the "how to wear my lariat" page


"Les Dompteuses de Lariat!" fb group!

ps; you have to answer the questions... make me laugh!

Find us on Facebook

Lariat Jewel

1 necklace, 1001 possibilities!

See all Lariats

MODULAR LARIAT... The perfect jewel!

An open piece, pendant, and a chain, it's the minimum required to create your dream necklace and play endlessly!

A chain + a set - or - an open piece & a Pendant

Et Voilà! You have your dream Lariat Jewel!

Follow me on Instagram!